Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Methwitch -- Piss (review)

Band: Methwitch
Album: Piss
Genre: slamming deathcore
Year: 2017
Label: independent

Methwitch is a one-man deathcore project from New Mexico.  Blending together the most brutal elements of hardcore and extreme metal, Piss is an unrelenting beast of an album.  Over the course of its one-hour run time, Cameron McBride lays down hellfire on anyone (un)lucky enough to listen to his output.
None of the songs are particularly memorable, but this guy knows what he does best: crush the listener with 20 tons of breakdowns.  If you hate breakdown-driven core music in the vein of Vulvodynia and Infant Annihilator, then I recommend you avoid Methwitch at all costs.  Love getting curb-stomped repeatedly?  Indulge yourself with this behemoth!
I was extremely surprised to see that the drums on this release are, in fact, programmed.  In my opinion, they sound very organic (I mean that in the way that they aren't overly repetitive -- they sound triggered for sure).  The guitar work is great (for deathcore).  There really are not any stand-out riffs, but McBride manages to pull off some technical shit when he's not delivering a brutal beatdown.  The bass is audible, but there is nothing really impressive about it.  Vocals, on the other hand, are phenomenal!  A mix of hardcore shouting, guttural growls, and ear-piercing shrieks, McBride manages to keep the music interesting for its long-winded run time.  He seems to be heavily influenced by the likes of Duncan Bentley and Travis Ryan, while simultaneously cementing his own unique style.
All in all, I think the album is a bit too long for this style, but if you are looking to get crushed, look no further.  You can download the album from the Methwitch bandcamp here.

Rating: 3.5 / 5
Top Tracks:
Priest of Piss
Altar of Blasphemy
Gallery of Apostasy

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