Thursday, October 12, 2017

Human Parasite -- Proud to Build the Insidious Catastrophe (review)

Artist: Human Parasite
Album: Proud to Build the Insidious Catastrophe
Genre: slam death metal
Year: 2010
Label: SFC Records

To be honest, I was not expecting anything particularly great with this record, but this thing stomps pretty damn hard!  Human Parasite marry the styles of Dying Fetus and early Devourment into a slamming beast that stops at nothing.
The album opens with a sample from the 1987 film Predator (if I'm not mistaken) before the band comes roaring in.  Filled to the brim with blast beats and crushing grooves, Proud to Build the Insidious Catastrophe is the perfect album for those seeking unadulterated slamming brutal death metal.
For the most part, Human Parasite feels like Dying Fetus, just without the overt technical wizardry.  The grooves are very reminiscent of Fetus's earlier output (early 2000s), but these French deathbringers manage to bring some variation to the table.  The album is dotted with heavy slam riffs reminiscent of Devourment's heyday.  The title track and "Spreading Pain..." both devolve into pulverizing slams that are sure to force the listener to bang his or her head until their skull splits wide open.  The album closer (which is listed as a bonus track for some reason) feels like straight Devourment worship to me with slam upon slam upon filthy slam.
One unique feature of this band is the vocals.  Performed by an individual called "Trash," I would describe his style as the middle ground between John Gallagher and Wayne Knupp.  To my ears, they sound purely inhaled and pig-ish, like a wild hog ready to charge.  Trash's vocals definitely stand apart from the low gurgling of most slam vocalists (variation is a good thing, guys).
All in all, this album may not be perfect, or even the best slam album, but if you are looking for some crushing grooves, give these guys a listen on YouTube here.

Rating: 3.5 / 5
Top Tracks:
Proud to Build the Insidious Catastrophe
Tormented by Psychopathic Soul
Spreading Pain and Cum As an Evangelical Way

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