Monday, October 30, 2017

Death Worship -- Extermination Mass (review)

Band: Death Worship
Album: Extermination Mass
Genre: war metal
Year: 2016
Label: Nuclear War Now! Productions

Alongside harsh noise and mincecore, war metal is one of the most primitive styles of music in existence.  Inspired by the relentless chaos of Sarcófago, Beherit, and Blasphemy, one would be hard-pressed to find a form of music more bestial in nature.
Hailing from Canada, Death Worship features Ryan Förster and James Read of the infamous Conqueror, but this project has a slightly different approach to war-making.  The album displays a certain level of restraint, particularly in the vocal department.  Förster's raspy growls are almost whispered over the constant blast beats.  They conjure a certain presence that can best be described as unsettling.  Needless to say, it seems the vocalist is the ghastly skeleton that graces the EP's cover art.
With the unique approach to vocals aside, the instrumentation is rather straightforward for this particular style of music, as expected.  Buzzing riffs and blast beats dominate the structures.  Occasionally the drums slow down just a bit, but Read always returns to pounding away at breakneck speed.  Blistering, chaotic guitar solos dot the tracks as if to remind the listener that this is, in fact, music.
If you are looking for a group that knows what war metal is all about but throws in a little (and I mean a little) something different, look no further than Death Worship.  This EP is sure to appease fans of this approach to black/death metal, and perhaps that is all it's good for.  Little variation across all six tracks means that this thing will probably grow stale over time; nonetheless, this EP is a savage beating.  You can listen to Extermination Mass on YouTube here.

Rating: 3 / 5
Top Tracks:
Evocation Chamber
Holocaust Altar

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